Shudder has announced that Dark Match, a new horror thriller written and directed by Lowell Dean, will stream exclusively on the platform starting Friday, January 31, 2025. The film brings together an ensemble cast led by wrestling icon Chris Jericho (Terrifier 2), alongside Ayisha Issa (Transplant), Steven Ogg (The Walking Dead, Westworld), Sara Canning (The Vampire Diaries), Michael Eklund (The Call), and Jonathan Cherry (Goon).

The story follows a small-time wrestling company that takes on a lucrative booking in a remote town. What begins as a promising opportunity quickly spirals into chaos when the wrestlers discover that the seemingly quaint community is controlled by a cult leader with sinister plans for their match.

Produced by John K. MacDonald, Don Depoe, Michael Feehan, Rhonda Baker, and Michael Peterson, with cinematography by Karim Hussain, CSC, Dark Match blends the worlds of professional wrestling and horror. Chris Jericho not only stars but also serves as an executive producer alongside Eleanor Wiebe.

Dark Match | Official Trailer | Shudder

Fans of genre-blending horror and wrestling won’t want to miss Dark Match when it premieres exclusively on Shudder on January 31, 2025.


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