Fat Girl is a short film that follows a high school girl as she struggles with self-image all the while watching her favorite influencer. From peers who critique themselves to a mother who seems to care more about her weight than her emotional wellbeing, this all comes to head and asks what would you do to fit in?

The whole thing is possible thanks to Addison (Carla Colado), she is able to make your heart break for her in such a brief amount of time. Carla does well especially when you consider that this is her one and only role so far. I can’t wait to see what else she does in the future. The influencer, Carly (India Lillie Davies), is played perfectly. You’ll see so many IRL people in her performance.

During the pandemic, online connections became all that some of us knew. It was our only way to get some feeling of normalcy and social interaction. But with that increased focus on social media, people could spiral down a dark hole of inadequacy and damaged self-esteem. Fat Girl takes these themes and feelings and shoves them into a brisk fifteen minutes.

7.5 out of 10

Fat Girl


Runtime: 14 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:

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