FGBFF showcases horror cinema that’s directed, written, and/or produced by women. The festival is committed to carving out space for female visions in horror, whether monstrous, heroic or some messy combination of the two. They place priority on highlighting underrepresented voices and are excited to welcome works by queer, non-binary, and POC filmmakers.

“Even though horror has a long history of sexism, with women often relegated to the passive victim role, there are lots of exciting ways to subvert these tropes.” says festival co-director Elinor Lewy. “Horror films are directly tied to the world we live in, it’s a manifestation of our everyday fears. I think making horror is a way to process these fears creatively and so it’s a genre filled with potential!”
They are now open for submissions, with the following deadlines:
Regular deadline: November 15, 2017
Late deadline: December 4, 2017
The third edition of the Final Girls Berlin Film Festival will take place February 1-3, 2018.
They are also accepting proposals for horror talks and workshops, and are open to other kinds of collaborations as well. Get in touch with your creeptastic films and ideas!