Full Moon Features has opened their BUNKER OF BLOOD and unleashed a series of terrors and frights. The first in the form of PUPPET MASTER: BLITZKRIEG MASSACRE.

Full Moon’s BUNKER OF BLOOD is an 8-part feature film series designed to shock and entertain. Drawing from nearly three decades of cinematic splatter and freakish filmmaking, BUNKER OF BLOOD is a gory “Greatest Hits” of the legendary studio’s strangest and sickest sequences framed by an all-new outrageous narrative.  Using lavish illustrated comic book panels to tell the twisted tale of the masochistic drifter and the mad “guru of gore,” the series will drive viewers deep into the dark, dank depths of a madman’s macabre lair.

This stomach-churning adventure starts off with PUPPET MASTER: BLITZKRIEG MASSACRE, in which The Gore Collector gleans the sickest moments from the 11-film deep PUPPET MASTER series. Pureeing together old shocks with macabre music and brand new moments of body-breaking mayhem for a petrifying puppet pulp that’s sure to please.

PUPPET MASTER: BLITZKRIEG MASSACRE is currently LIVE on Amazon Prime and Full Moon Streaming (www.FullMoonStreaming.com).  DVD releases of each BUNKER OF BLOOD film will follow soon, which – when all 8 are collected – will reveal a secret mural painting on the spine.

Synopsis: In an unknown dystopian future, a drifter with an unusually high tolerance for pain is held captive in a horrific hospital by The Circle of Psycho Surgeons, a clandestine crew of M.D.’s (that’s medical deviants) who are experimenting with human suffering. Suddenly, our shackled hero hears the call of The Gore Collector, a sadistic curator of carnage who is well past his prime and now seeks an heir to take over his evil operation. Escaping from the lurid lab, the drifter enters the underground lair of The Gore Collector – there the perverse programmer pops in a vile videotape and begins the process of trying to warp the man’s mind with some of the goriest and most gruesome moments from Full Moon’s iconic film franchises.

Can the hero of survive the Gore Collector’s bloody brainwashing attempts? More importantly…can YOU?

Bunker of Blood Chapter One: Puppet Master: Blitzkrieg Massacre | Trailer | William Hickey

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