Jason Kupfer’s short film Invaders is a spot-on satire of a home invasion movie that in its short 6 minutes manages to be just as, if not more entertaining than full-length movies with a thousand times the budget.


Jordan Woods-Robinson and Ricky Wayne are the titular characters, parked in front of a suburban home, arguing about what kind of mask they should wear before they start their home invasion.  The family in the house are all happily sitting around the Thanksgiving table, enjoying a beautifully-prepared meal.  The two invaders, dressed in their Tarantino-Reservoir-Dogs best jacket-and-tie combo, discuss the creep factor of various masks.


The dialogue is hilarious, and Kupfer should be commended for delivering such a great experience in such a tiny package.  The outrageous over-the-top way this short ends (no, I ain’t spoiling this for you) is the perfect cherry to top this bloody sundae.  Kupfer knows his stuff and his direction is sure-footed and fun to watch. I can’t wait to see what he does next! Uncle Mike sez check it out right now!

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