Yesterday was a chilly, grey Saturday morning at Knott’s Berry Farm. It was also pink. For the fourth year, Knott’s Berry Farm has partnered with the Susan G. Komen foundation to raise funds towards breast cancer research. You may be wondering why Mommy Fearist is covering this non-horror event.
According to the Komen website, there will be an estimated 252,710 new cases of breast cancer in women this year. Men are not exempt from breast cancer, there will be over 2,400 *estimated* new breast cancer cases in males for 2017.

Jacque Balbas-Ruddy and friends taking a selfie.
Every two minutes, a woman in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
If that doesn’t qualify as scary, then I don’t know what does.
Chances are you have been affected by breast cancer. A friend that is a survivor. A family member who just received a diagnosis or maybe you are going through treatment right now. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the world.

Sally, Cindy Golden, Brenda Song, Jacque Balbas-Ruddy, and Lucy.

Brenda Song and the girls.
It is why I jumped at the chance to spend some time with survivors and their families at the #screamagainstbreastcancer event.
Donning limited edition “pink” shirts and pins we made our way to Supreme Scream. Simply *thinking* about being lifted over 252 feet in the air and then hurtling down to the ground makes my knees shake. It’s downright terrifying. But the excitement from the group of honorees was enough to distract me from the behemoth of metal looming over Knott’s Berry Farm.
I spoke with Jacque Balbas-Ruddy, a single mother to four kids and a two time survivor. Her story is incredibly inspiring. Jacque’s second diagnosis was in 2015. During which time she continued to pursue her college education, even during treatment. This past June she graduated from UCI and is currently at USC working on her Masters Degree in psychology and social behavior. It was her first time riding Supreme Scream. She didn’t seem too nervous but I have to imagine that with everything she has gone through, a theme park ride wasn’t that nerve wracking. Her youngest son however, seemed extremely hesitant. She brings her boys with her to different events so they “know what it is like to advocate.”
Katie Burns and her mom Marty Tool were also first timers on Supreme Scream. Katie was diagnosed in 2014 and found out about the event through a Facebook group she belongs to. Cindy Golden, a mom of three boys was diagnosed in 2007. She underwent the full treatment for breast cancer (Chemotherapy, Radiation and Mastectomy). Her entry for the Scream Against Breast Cancer contest was a video of her screaming. It was great practice for what she was about to do on the ride.
Also in attendance was actress Brenda Song from The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. She posed with the peanuts crew and the attendees for pictures before hopping onto Supreme Scream.

Cindy Golden, Brenda Song, and Jacque Balbas-Ruddy
Song and the survivors were all smiles while being buckled in, until they started their ascent. I watched, my two feet firmly on the ground, as their faces gained a whole new level of seriousness. There was no turning back at that point.
Up they went with enough time for reflection as to why they agreed to do this in the first place, then click! Supreme Scream lived up to its name as they came plunging back to earth. The ride wasn’t over though, they went up for a second time. These women are immensely braver than me, in so many ways.

Katie Burns, Cindy Golden, Brenda Song, and Jacque Balbas-Ruddy
I would like to add that Brenda Song’s hair looked fabulous even after dropping from that great height, TWICE! Her stylist is scary good.
The morning was a reminder that not everything involved with cancer has to be scary. Watching these women with their families, smiling, laughing and so willing to share their stories was undeniably uplifting. I will be honest, I didn’t test out my lung capacity and screaming abilities. I decided that I would let the survivors celebrate their victories against this disease. That, and I couldn’t make my knees stop shaking just being near the ride. I’m not sure I could make myself get on Woodstock’s Airmail, even that is too high for me.
You can join Knott’s and Susan G Komen by supporting #ScreamAgainstBreastCancer and Knott’s Berry Farm for the Cure promotion. Special pink tickets are available as well as limited edition t-shirts on
Starting February 14th the towering landmark, Supreme Scream, will be illuminated pink. Make your way over to Knott’s to see the rest of the park lit up in support of breast cancer research.