LAKE PLACID: LEGACY, the sixth installment of the wildly popular franchise, finds a team of young explorers who set out to reveal the secrets of an abandoned scientific facility. They discover its horrific legacy: the island is home to a deadly predator eager to feast on those who ignore the warnings. However, before they can turn back, they are dragged into a battle for their lives — and will need to work together if they hope to survive. Directed by Darrell Roodt (Dracula 3000), LAKE PLACID: LEGACY stars Katherine Barrell (Wynonna Earp), Tim Rozon (Wynonna Earp), Joe Pantoliano (The Matrix), and Sai Bennett (Close to the Enemy). LAKE PLACID: LEGACY debuts on digital and DVD September 4 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment.
When a group of young explorers venture to a mysterious lake, they discover an island harboring an abandoned lab facility with a horrific legacy: the island is home to a deadly predator. Before they can turn back the crew gets dragged into a battle for their lives – former enemies will quickly need to put their egos aside and work together if there is any hope for survival.
Directed by Darrell Roodt, written by Jonathan Lloyd Walker from a story by Walker, Jeremy Smith, and Matt Venables.
Produced by Lance Samuels, co-produced by Adam Friedlander and Daniel Iron.
LAKE PLACID: LEGACY has a run time of approximately 90 minutes and is rated R for creature violence and related gore.