MEOW WOLF: ORIGIN STORY is a feature-length documentary chronicling the journey of a scrappy group of DIY artists from their humble beginnings to their meteoric rise. Directors Morgan Capps (RETURN) and Jilann Spitzmiller (SHAKESPEARE BEHIND BARS) give the audience a glimpse into the psychedelic world of MEOW WOLF and the inspiring stories of their resident artists. Executive Producers of the film include George R.R. Martin, Tristan Love and Nicolas Gonda.

MEOW WOLF: ORIGIN STORY will have its World Premiere March 10 at SXSW Film Festival. Additional Screening will be available Monday, March 12 at 9:45 pm at Alamo Lamar B, Thursday, March 15 at 10 pm at Alamo Lamar B, and Saturday, March 17 at 11 am at ZACH Theatre.

MEOW WOLF: ORIGIN STORY - Teaser Trailer | Meow Wolf
A group of disenfranchised artists in Santa Fe, New Mexico become a DIY collective calling themselves Meow Wolf. Their immersive, large-scale exhibitions happen to crack open a profitable niche in the arts and entertainment industry, as their social mission becomes challenged by the demands of their rapid success. Sacrificing individualism for collectivism, the group’s members navigate fracture and loss for years in pursuit of their idealistic vision. When they spark the interest of George R. R. Martin and receive his support to take over an old bowling alley, Meow Wolf builds a massive exhibition with the help of more than 140 artists working at a breakneck pace. With the wild success of the House of Eternal Return, the collective is now facing its own internal turmoil as it begins to change the lives of creatives everywhere.

MEOW WOLF: ORIGIN STORY is a unique, against-all-odds story with universal and timely threads, valuable to a broader audience. Beyond the collection of all-access interviews, the filmmakers found that Meow Wolf had documented much of their anarchist early days, uncovering a literal treasure trove of video works that were not only hilarious and punk but also still strangely resonant.

Meow Wolf is a Santa Fe-based arts and entertainment group that creates immersive, interactive experiences to transport audiences of all ages into fantastic realms of story and exploration. The company’s first location showcases the THEA Award-winning House of Eternal Return, where guests discover a multidimensional mystery house with secret passages, portals to magical worlds, climbing apparatus, and surreal, maximalist & mesmerizing art exhibits along with a children’s learning center and cafe area. The location is also home to a music venue, bar, and outdoor dining scene featuring top food trucks. In January 2018, Meow Wolf announced they will expand to new major market locations in Denver and Vegas. Visit SXSW for the full schedule and for more information.

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