Screamfest 2020 is officially happening! The 20th installment of this prestigious film fest is coming this October!  Screamfest Horror Film Festival is both the largest and longest-running horror film festival in the United States, showcasing work from American and international indie horror filmmakers.


Screamfest has acted as a sort of launchpad for several horror filmmakers’ careers. Bringing national attention to their unique and terrifying films and essentially paving the way for future success and opportunity. A prime example of this sudden success is Paranormal Activity, which was discovered and premiered at the festival in 2007.


Film entries are accepted in several categories: Best Feature, Directing, Cinematography, Editing, Special Effects, and Musical Score. Additionally, there are special categories honoring Best Animation, Best Short, Best Documentary, and Best Student Film. Screamfest also features a very competitive screenplay competition.


The lineup for the festival has yet to be announced, but the full lineup is set to be announced sometime this month. Screamfest 2020 will run from Tuesday, October 6, 2020, to Thursday, October 15, 2020. The venues also have not been announced due to the ever-changing situation surrounding COVID-19 and social distancing standards. In the event in-person venues are not possible, it is likely the festival will transition into an online format (like so many others). For up to date information regarding the Screamfest Horror Film Festival, venue info, and ticket information visit Screamfest’s website.


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