The Shriekfest Film Festival has announced the 40 finalists selected for its 2019 International Screenplay Competition, selected from submissions from across the globe in the horror, thriller, sci-fi, and fantasy genres. “This was a tough year to narrow down all of the scripts,” says festival founder and director Denise Gossett. “There is just so much talent out there!”
Short Screenplay
“And They Shall Handle Serpents” written by Jason Tostevin
“The Earth Answers” written by Tracy Charlton
“Along A Dark Road” written by Jeffrey Stackhouse
“Confession” written by Carroll Brown
“Shock Troops” written by Edward Martin III
“Finding You” written by Jamal Hodge
“Ganglers” written by Mark Renshaw
“Who Wants Dessert?” written by Venita Ozols-Graham
“He Sees You!” written by Brian W. Smith
“Slaughter Hearse” written by Evan Baughfman
“How to Like Your Babysitter” written by Billy “Rex” McAfee
“Pipe Wrench” written by Montgomery Haines
“Children of Adam” written by Daniel Arora
“Finger” written by Joe Lueben, Riley Rose Critchlow, & Travis Dowling
“Horror Stories” written by Curtis Threadgold
“We Are the Last” written by Zeus Kontoyannis
“Blinder” written by Luke Campen
“Hush Little Baby” written by Ricardo Bravo
“The Demon Inside Me” written by Brandon Rutherford
“Gender Reveal Party” written by Alison Parker
Feature Screenplay
“Agriturismo” written by Nick Rufca
“Sunshine State: Duende” written by Kai Thorup
“Dark Noise” written by Christopher Allan Poe & Jen Badasci
“Third Date” written by Avishai Weinberger
“The Blood-Red Night of the Hatchet Valley” written by Edward Martin III
“Ghost Work” written by Mark Steensland & Glen Krisch
“The Hail Mary” written by Gavin John
“Raven Dock” written by Sara Caldwell
“The Suburban Kaleidoscope” written by Samuel Peirce
“The Retreat” written by Michaela Zannou
“Time And Again” written by Stuart Creque
“The Kind Ones” written by Jamal Hodge
“Bleu” written by David McKendry & Rebekah McKendry
“Tethered” written by Michael Raymond
“Cyborn” written by Mark Renshaw
“The Craving” written by Stephen Kayfish
“Where the Devil Resides” written by Travis Heermann
“The Last Adventure of Shay Blaze” written by Howard Fridkin
“-None Greater Than-” written by Jeffrey Stackhouse
“Underground” written by Matt Mosley
The festival will also showcase 38 outstanding and diverse international short films and 10 Feature Film premieres.