October 15, 2019
Norman Gidney
We just got the trailer for the new horror pic DANIEL ISN'T REAL and frankly, it looks pretty good. The film starring Patrick Schwarzenegger, Miles Robbins, Sasha Lane, Hannah Marks, Mary Stuart Masterson, this is what happens when imaginary friends go bad. DANIEL ISN'T REAL directed by Adam Egypt Mortimer and written by Brian DeLeeuw [...]
March 6, 2019
Norman Gidney
We are gearing up to bring you the news from SXSW beginning this weekend. It is going to be one hell of a time too. So many good horror films coming out that we can barely keep up! One of them is Daniel Isn't Real based on the acclaimed book In This Way I Was Saved. This [...]
DANIEL ISN’T REAL but this Film is Real Intense [REVIEW]
DANIEL ISN’T REAL, But the Trailer and Poster are Here
SXSW 2019 Poster Art for DANIEL ISN’T REAL Released