South by Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival – If you’re like me, sometimes you need escapism, a break from the news, especially lately. Cue Tank Fairy, a whimsical and stylish short that proudly waves its flag. This is the type of film that will make you smile once the credits roll.

The Taiwanese film, written and directed by , has a loose narrative of sorts. Ryan Lin plays Jojo, a little boy who’s bullied at school. On top of that, his mom stymies his creativity. She constantly questions what he wears and who he wants to be. Jojo finds an ally in Tank Fairy (Marian Mesula), a glamorous woman who delivers gas tanks to people’s homes. She sports red lipstick, rides a pink motorcycle, and just looks hella good. Jojo rubs the lipstick-marked gas can like a genie’s lamp and summons the fairy. She encourages him to dance, sing, wear whatever he wants, and just be himself. She’s the inspiration and role model Jojo desperately needs but never had.

Tank Fairy, in all its glitter-filled glory, meshes genres so well. It’s part musical, part drama, and part fantasy. There is little dialogue, but it somehow all works. Anyone who’s been bullied, stifled and denied their true identity will relate to Jojo. Whether it’s his mom, played by Danielle Yen, or the mean kids at school, he faces one challenge after the other. He’s an underdog, the type of kid we love rooting for, especially as he comes into his own, with the help of Tank Fairy.

This is also one colorful little film, popping with pink and red tones. Further, it’s not afraid to lean into the strange and wonderful. There are even squeaking mice that razzle and dazzle. I’m not sure what point they really serve, but they look cool and match the colorful set designs. For about 10 minutes, this world completely consumes you, as early as the first frame, when the Tank Fairy struts down the street.

Tank Fairy is a film not afraid to be itself. It’s bold, loud, and proud. It’s a beguiling fairytale that delights and celebrates creativity and originality. This is a slice of fantasy that we could all use right now.


8 Out of 10


Tank Fairy
Tank Fairy Trailer《桶妝仙女》預告片
Runtime: 10 Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:

About the Author

Brian Fanelli has been writing for Horror Buzz since 2021. He fell in love with horror after watching the Universal Monster movies as a kid. His writing on film has also appeared in Signal Horizon Magazine, Bright Lights Film Journal, Horror Homeroom, Schuylkill Valley Journal, 1428 Elm, and elsewhere. Brian is an Associate Professor of English at Lackawanna College, where he teaches creative writing and literature, as well as a class on the horror genre.