Ready yourselves for a new and dark interwoven serialized drama. CBS All Access presents, “Tell Me a Story.” Kevin Williamson, who brought you “Vampire Diaries,” is excited to be “stretching the wings” of his creativity by taking the fairy tales that we grew up with and turning them into something a little more sinister.


Fairy tales flipped to horror, “Tell Me A Story” gives a nod to Hansel and Gretel, The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. Each story taking dark turns yet still remaining topical. A few cast members joined Williamson on stage during Comic Con. Paul Wesley made it clear that he is more than happy to be playing a grown man instead of a 17 year old vampire this time around. Not attendance was Kim Cattrall who, along with a few of the other women cast mates, sent a video from the set in New York letting fans know that they were sorry to be missing SDCC but working hard while the boys played around.

Cattrall’s character may be a grandmother but she is most definitely NOT your typical granny in this series.


CBS All Access showed a quick snippet of some footage they had. It included everything an internet streaming platform can get away with. Plenty of drugs, violence, sex (from the looks of it pretty steamy sex), horror elements, and the occasional F bomb. “Tell Me a Story” isn’t like the other network fantasy shows, it is grittier and really takes these themes of the fairy tales to the a new limit.

The expected launch will be some time this October so if you don’t have CBS All Access, you might want to consider looking into it.

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