A short film that is goofy fun, yet has a valid message, The Day After asks only a little more than twelve minutes of your time. Are the production values off the hook with heartbreaking performances? No, of course not, that’s not what this film is about.

In the opening shot, sad music plays over Halloween decorations being taken down morphs into “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” signaling the conflict about to unfold before the viewer’s eyes. The morning after Halloween, Beth (Bryn Berg) wants Halloween-loving husband Eric (Mike Pirozzi) to take down his many, many Halloween decorations as she wants to now put up Christmas decorations. Ben (George Walsh) wants Eric to take down the decorations as they are too macabre and disturbing for his elderly, annoying, visiting mother (Barbara Robertson). Eric just wants a few more days with the Halloween decorations up (everyone reading this site is most likely on team Eric) as he sips his morning coffee from his Jack o’ Lantern mug.

Meanwhile, next door, Ben offers to make his unpleasant mother lunch. He offers her a choice of lunch meats. She disparages turkey and praises ham. While he is in the kitchen, she is mysteriously killed.

Back at Camp Halloween, Beth is aching to put up Christmas decorations when she is confronted by a giant menacing turkey, the same one that killed Ben’s mother. Through gesture and gobbling, the turkey conveys to both Beth and Eric that they are both in error. The correct decorations to be up in November should now be obvious to all. Beth and Eric promise to decorate appropriately and the turkey spares them.

While I admit it is odd that a giant turkey kills people who don’t want to eat turkey or decorate for Thanksgiving (one would think the turkeys themselves would be in favor of skipping this holiday), the film’s point is well taken. On November 1 I went to the store to see if they had any discounted, post-Halloween sales on Halloween stuff and found nothing but Christmas items for sale. The day after Halloween there was no hint that it had ever even been.  Even Disneyland now turns the Haunted Mansion into The Nightmare Before Christmas in September, skipping Halloween altogether. Who wants to celebrate Christmas in October? I, for one, agree with the turkey – can we please have the holidays in order and not start Christmas in September?

Again, nothing deep or brilliant here – just a fun, goofy little film. After you watch some of the more intense things reviewed on this site, The Day After would make a great palate cleanser. Give it a watch at the link below!


7 out of 10


The Day After
THE DAY AFTER 🎬🎃 Halloween/Christmas Crossover 🎬🎃 2021
Runtime: 12 Mins.
Directed By:
Douglas A. Plomitallo
Written By: Douglas A. Plomitallo


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