On October 2, creators Eli Roth and James Frey are bringing the new 2D animated series Fright Krewe to Hulu and Peacock. The animated show will follow the exploits of the titular crew as they ward off prohecy, demons, and a Voodoo Queen in New Orleans. The cast will feature Sydney Mikayla as “Soleil,”  Tim Johnson Jr. as “Maybe,” Grace Lu as “Missy,” Chester Rushing as “Stanley,” Terrence Little Gardenhigh as “Pat,” Jacques Colimon as “Belial”.

An ancient prophecy and a Voodoo Queen put misfit teens in charge of saving New Orleans from the biggest demonic threat it’s faced in almost two centuries. But, honestly? Saving the world might be easier than becoming friends.

Season 1 Trailer | FRIGHT KREWE
Additional recurring cast includes  Vanessa Hudgens as “Madison,” Josh Richards as “Nelson,”  X Mayo as “Alma,” Rob Paulsen as “Lou Garou,” David Kaye as “Mayor Furst,” JoNell Kennedy as “Marie Laveau” and “Judy Le Claire,” Melanie Laurent as “Fiona Bunrady,” Chris Jai Alex as “Otis Bunrady,” Reggie Watkins as “Paulie,” Cherise Boothe as “Ayida Weddo” and “Ayizan,” Keston John as “Papa Legba” and “Ogoun,” Grey Delisle as “Judith Le Claire,” Krizia Bajos as “Luciana Rodriguez”

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