Glass Eye Pix’s Stary Bullets opens Friday, February 10th in 10 cities and Digital Markets. This film will be 16-year-old Jack Fessenden’s directorial debut. The film centers around two teenage boys who are tasked with cleaning out their grandfather’s old abandoned motorhome, only to find that two crooks have taken refuge. It is an amazingly, imaginative, and strong first debut film. With outstanding scenes, action shots, and funny dialogue. Truly a must see film.

Cities Screening the film starting February 10:

Laemmle Music Hall Los Angeles, CA.
Village East Cinema New York, NY
The Plaza Theater Atlanta, GA
AMC Grapevine Mills 30 Dallas, TX
Apple Cinema, Cambridge, MA
Alamo Drafthouse Littleton Denver, CO
Facet Cinematheque Chicago, Il
Cinema Detroit Detroit, MI
Tower City Cinemas Cleveland, OH
4-Star Theatre, San Francisco, CA

There will be opportunities to meet the cast and crew:

NYC-Premiere Screenings

Village East Cinemas

Thursday, February 9th at 9 PM

(Q&A) with Cast and Crew following the show)

Boston-Opening Night Screening

Q&A with director and producer Friday, February 10th

after the 7 pm show

The cast includes Asa Spurlock, Jack Fessenden, James Le Gros, John Speredakos, Larry Fessenden, Robert Burke Warren, Roger Peltzman and Kevin Corrigan.

For more information about the film:

Official SiteTwitterFacebookInstagram

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