Renowned filmmaker Harley Wallen has unveiled his latest horror-thriller, Fathers, a psychological mystery centered around a kidnapped young girl named Natalie who finds herself entangled in an unexpected web of “fathers.” Produced by Painted Creek Productions, the film promises a layered exploration of identity and fear.
The cast features Kaiti Wallen (Beneath Us All), Jerry Hayes (Ash and Bone), Deon Hunt (Finding Nicole), and Emilia Linnea (Tale of Tails), who plays the younger version of Natalie. Harley Wallen himself joins the main cast, marking another collaborative effort with his wife, Kaiti Wallen, who co-produced the project.
“On set, there was a sense of something special coming together,” said Wallen, who also wrote the screenplay. He co-produced the film alongside Jeff Berry (Final Recovery), Leslie Mechigian (Chasing Hope), and other collaborators, with support from Unorthodox Outcast Studios and Hunt Genesis Production.
Described as having an A24-inspired style, Fathers is set to debut on the festival circuit in 2025, with multiple distribution offers already in place based on the screenplay. The Wallens anticipate a busy year with the release of several projects, including the Christmas-themed horror Final Recovery, tackling opioid addiction, and the true-crime story Finding Nicole, previously highlighted on Inside Evil with Chris Cuomo.
Harley and Kaiti Wallen are represented by The Williamson Management Company.