Dark Sky Films has announced the release date unveiled the official trailer for THE DARK RED, a supernatural revenge thriller from director Dan Bush. The film also stars April Billingsley, Kelsey Scott, Conal Byrne, Rhoda Griffis, John Curran, and Jill Jane Clements.

Synopsis: A young woman is committed to a psychiatric hospital claiming that her newborn has been abducted by a secret society called the Dark Red: an ancient, underground cult that harvests and controls an incredibly rare blood type that gives one the power to hear and guide another person’s thoughts. She says that she is special; that she carries a pure and powerful strain of the blood like nothing seen before, and that the society sees her and her child as its next evolution or perhaps its greatest threat–should she turn against them.

The Dark Red - Official Movie Trailer (2020)

Visually and atmospherically, this film has some genuinely creepy imagery and the intensity of the editing makes it compelling. There seems to be a larger focus on the mental illness aspects of the film than the synopsis advertised, and I’m sincerely hoping it isn’t a woman-makes-all-this-shit-up-in-her-crazy-mind type of thing. There’s only one way to find out, and that’s to see it next month.

The Dark Red will be released theatrically and digitally on March 6th, 2020.

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