Blue Blade Keeper Credit: Robert KozekThe sands of time are shifting and the Safeguard Society is once again opening its doors to hopeful prospects in hopes of tracing the path of Evelyn Lowell and the celestial power of the blue blade. That’s right, Delusion, the visionary production that has been pioneering immersive theater since 2011, is about to turn the lights back on and this time, they’re in for the long haul. This year’s show, The Blue Blade, is making its return on February 14th, with this extension set to run through the end of June.

Norm reviewed the show last October and while I agree with his overall enthusiasm, I disagree that it wasn’t scary. Longtime fans may have been somewhat taken aback by the pivot into a more sci-fi themed action adventure but while Delusion has always Blue Blade Carrick Credit: Robert Kozekbeen more about world-building than scares, I found the malevolent keepers that seem to rise out of the darkness to be quite intimidating. For any of you Safeguard veterans out there who may have grown numb to the cold stare of these biomechanical wraiths, stay on your toes, as what has been dubbed the “director’s cut” promises new surprises in store for even the seasoned time traveler.

To help hold us over until the rifts re-open, or perhaps to kill us with anticipaBlue Blade Stanfeld Credit: Robert Kozektion, they’ve just released a new trailer for this upgraded experience with a cameo from series creator Jon Braver as one of the initiates. The trailer looks great with a nice overview of key characters and sets but in terms of new details, they’re playing their cards pretty close. It does a good job of keeping the mystery alive by not revealing too much, though those that like to go in as blind as possible might want to skim through to get a more general sense of the show’s flavor.

There’s no show out there quite like Delusion and while they might be uniquely able to pull off such a feat right now, the idea of high-quality immersive theater being available throughout most of the year is an idea that we could start getting used to. Tickets are available here, including the $115 general admission and a new $185 Safeguard Elite package which includes drinks, a behind-the-scenes tour, and some other Delusion merch.

OFFICIAL TRAILER for the Interactive Play "Delusion: The Blue Blade - The Director's Cut"

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