August 28, 2022
Max Matta
Anyone who grew up in the 90s or was familiar with the television trends of the time knows that Americans were obsessed with two things: talk shows and aliens. Between shows like The X-Files and Ricki Lake, people learned to fear the possibilities of life outside our atmosphere and watch all the trash that is trapped within [...]
June 20, 2022
Max Matta
In the world of horror if there is a family moving into a house that has a reasonable price range, it is guaranteed to have a seeded past and or be haunted. The cornerstone of this film trope is to watch how the horror seeps in and slowly begins the whittle down the groups trust [...]
May 20, 2022
Max Matta
So there is a movie called Holy Shit! (Ach du Scheisse!) and it is a comedy-mystery thriller that takes place in a porta-potty. Sounds completely ridiculous and full of crappy jokes right? It is sure to be full of nothing but low-hanging fruit poop jokes and hardly anything else of substance. Well, hold on to [...]
May 2, 2022
Max Matta
Of all the horror sub-genres out there one that has to be the absolute hardest to nail down in a coherent or successful way would be dream-like horror. When people discuss their nightmares most of the horror comes from a perfect mix of disturbing visuals/ scenarios and the nonsensical dream logic. What makes it scary [...]
April 14, 2022
Max Matta
Everyone likes to daydream strange scenarios whether they are bored at work, in the car, or just zoning out at home. It could be dreaming about what you did if you won the lottery, what it would be like to be a celebrity, or maybe thoughts of having superpowers. Director Riley Stearns on the other [...]
March 12, 2022
Max Matta
The art of the mockumentary is a hard line to balance between drama and comedy amongst many other factors. Is it a parody of a real documentary, is it something totally original, is the audience in on the joke, or are they in the dark? These are the things that need to be considered if [...]
February 24, 2022
Max Matta
In any movie that brags about a body count, there is bound to be a plethora of underdeveloped characters. Such has become a staple of the slasher genre, when our killer needs to slash his way through victim after victim we're hardly going to get the time to know all of them. This has become [...]
Knott’s Scary Farm Has Some Spooky Offerings for 2022!
OUT THERE HALLOWEEN MEGA TAPE–The Long Awaited Sequel Arrives
ABANDONED Abandons Character Development
HOLY SH*T! Is So Much More Than Poop Jokes
SHEPHERD Is A Dream-Like Nightmare For Better And Worse
DUAL–Can You Best The Best You?
A CLOUD SO HIGH–Little Flash & Less Substance
UNSHELTERED Is A Sleepy Slasher
Knott’s Scary Farm Has Some Spooky Offerings for 2022!
OUT THERE HALLOWEEN MEGA TAPE–The Long Awaited Sequel Arrives
ABANDONED Abandons Character Development
HOLY SH*T! Is So Much More Than Poop Jokes
SHEPHERD Is A Dream-Like Nightmare For Better And Worse
DUAL–Can You Best The Best You?
A CLOUD SO HIGH–Little Flash & Less Substance
UNSHELTERED Is A Sleepy Slasher
Knott’s Scary Farm Has Some Spooky Offerings for 2022!
OUT THERE HALLOWEEN MEGA TAPE–The Long Awaited Sequel Arrives
ABANDONED Abandons Character Development
HOLY SH*T! Is So Much More Than Poop Jokes
SHEPHERD Is A Dream-Like Nightmare For Better And Worse
DUAL–Can You Best The Best You?
A CLOUD SO HIGH–Little Flash & Less Substance
UNSHELTERED Is A Sleepy Slasher