February 19, 2020
Nicole Olmstead
Post-apocalyptic games are nothing new these days. What sets these games apart is the story and enemy types. In Remnant: From the Ashes, you are tossed into a world with a story of its own and enemies that come off as a sinister and twisted Groot family reunion with some fiendish ghouls as guests. Story: [...]
May 7, 2019
Adam Lozano
Max Brooks's amazing novel World War Z was made into a mediocre film back in 2013. As audience members watched this film, someone must have thought: "Hey this would be a cool video game!" And now, 6 years later, the game has been released with no real demand for it. With that said, did we [...]
January 9, 2019
Adam Lozano
Children being afraid of adults is nothing new...but it's usually because they are afraid of parental discipline. However, in THE BLACKOUT CLUB, a new game from Question, parents are being mind controlled by an evil force and you and your friends need to stop it! Plot: In the game, you play as a teen who wakes [...]
December 5, 2018
Adam Lozano
The Walking Dead has been with us for years in many formats: graphic novels, video games, toys, television shows, and very soon, films. With that said, not all of them are great. Besides Telltale Games' series of the same name, everything that has come to gaming has been a terrible cash grab. However, Overkill Software [...]
Resident Evil Resistance: New Masterminds and Maps!
Remnant: From the Ashes – Rise Above Frustration
WORLD WAR Z Glitchy But Great Fun [Game Review]
A Look At THE BLACKOUT CLUB Coming in 2019
Overkill’s The Walking Dead Review