March 31, 2019
Erin Jefferson
For the past three days Anaheim Convention Center played host to some of Hollywood's biggest celebrities, epic cosplayers and fandoms from every realm. It was a beautiful weekend for a con. This year the attendance seemed lighter throughout the weekend. Perhaps it felt that way because the aisles in the exhibit hall and Artist Alley [...]
December 20, 2016
Mike Hansen
Obsession is a dangerous thing. In the new movie Be My Cat: A Film For Anne, we see just how dangerous it can ultimately be. Adrian (Adrian Tofei) is an amateur filmmaker; in fact, he's so amateur he's never made anything before. He is obsessed with the actress Anne Hathaway, and wants to make a [...]
Fourth Annual ALIEN DAY Returns April 26th
WonderCon 2019 Day 3 Wrap Up
Be My Cat: A Film For Anne