July 17, 2016
Erin Jefferson
I see you over there. I see you twisting your mustachio, eyebrow raised with a smirk on your face, your kids beside you oohing and aahing in amazement and I know what you're thinking. "I can totally do that!" Yes, you totally can. But before you take this giant leap into the world of home [...]
October 29, 2015
Vicks Toghia
It's very easy to become haunt jaded. Many haunt fans that have "seen it all" are prompted to find an extreme thrill, or the next haunt trend. But, there are some home haunts, out in the darkened suburbs of Southern California, that are so lovingly crafted and whimsical that they might just rekindle a sense [...]
October 7, 2015
Norman Gidney
In this Haunter's How-To update, we look at the LED Shadow™. This light is a blacklight panel wash that delivers stunning effects. Unlike the days of the long, fluorescent tube blacklights, the Shadow is a lot more flexible with the type of lighting it offers. It can do, of course traditional blacklight tones, but the [...]
August 17, 2015
Jeff Heimbuch
Starting a haunt from scratch isn’t easy. It takes a lot of hard work, long hours, excessive labor, and much more to put on a haunt for the Halloween season. Especially on top of having full time jobs, kids to take care of, and more. And if this is your first time doing something like [...]
Trio of Terror: A Quick Look At Some Fantastic Orange County Home Haunts
Mommy Fearist and the Home Haunt Maker
Home Haunts That Inspire Wonder…in HorrorBuzz-Vision 360
Haunter’s How-To: The LED Shadow™
The 17th Door Will Open For You This Season