January 2, 2022
Brian Fanelli
See for Me is a home invasion narrative, but one with minimal bloodshed compared to say, Funny Games or The Strangers. Its premise and no doubt its blind protagonist will draw some comparisons to Hush, but the film has so many unique turns that separate it from similar films. At its highest points, the film [...]
July 30, 2021
Lindsey Ungerman
New poster art and an official trailer for the sci-fi horror film Demonic, have been made available ahead of the film's August premiere. The film uses a patent-pending new method of using volumetric capture (a three-dimensional video technology that turns actors into geometric objects.). And the amount of volumetric capture in Demonic is the most [...]
April 22, 2021
Remy Cashman
IFC Midnight and AGC Studios announced their acquisition rights to DEMONIC, a supernatural horror film written and directed by Neill Blomkamp. Blomkamp first earned critical acclaim across the board for his debut feature and sci-fi allegory on immigration District 9 before going on to further success with such films as Elysium and Chappie. Demonic was co-financed and co-produced by AGC [...]
August 5, 2020
Lindsey Ungerman
We are all socially distancing and unable to contact our friends like we normally would. But what if I told you there was something you could do about it? How would you like to Rent-A-Pal? Just pop in a video and BOOM. You got a best friend for the next hour right in your living [...]
May 19, 2020
Lindsey Ungerman
IFC Films, one of the leading distributors for independent film, has acquired the rights to the retro Tinder-esque nightmare Rent-A-Pal. Written and directed by Jon Stevenson, Rent-A-Pal is inspired by real-life VHS tape 'Rent-A-Friend: The Original Vido Companion'. This tape was a response to loneliness in the analog era and it SCREAMS creepy. Don't believe [...]
April 3, 2020
Norman Gidney
IFC Midnight just announced that it is acquiring North American rights to Egor Abramenko’s directorial debut SPUTNIK from XYZ Films. Abramenko’s sci-fi thriller short film THE PASSENGER played in the 2017 Fantastic Film Festival in Austin, and was the inspiration for his feature debut. The film stars Oksana Akinshina who debuted in Lukas Moodysson’s award-winning [...]
November 11, 2019
Remy Cashman
IFC Midnight has unveiled the official trailer for the new survivor thriller RADIOFLASH, which is set to premiere on November 15th, 2019. Directed by Ben McPherson, the film stars Brighton Sharbino, Dominic Monaghan, Will Patton, and Fionnula Flanagan. An electric-magnetic pulse has just struck America, knocking out all power and propelling it back into the [...]
HATCHING Births One Wicked Monster–JTIFF
SEE FOR ME–A Tense Thriller Worth A View
Demonic Poster and Trailer Revealed
IFC Midnight Lands Rights to Neill Blomkamp’s DEMONIC
Rent-A-Pal Poster and Trailer Released
Creepy Retro Rent-A-Pal Acquired by IFC
IFC Nabs Russian Sci-Fi Thriller SPUTNIK
Trailer Premiere for Survivor-Thriller RADIOFLASH
HATCHING Births One Wicked Monster–JTIFF
SEE FOR ME–A Tense Thriller Worth A View
Demonic Poster and Trailer Revealed
IFC Midnight Lands Rights to Neill Blomkamp’s DEMONIC
Rent-A-Pal Poster and Trailer Released
Creepy Retro Rent-A-Pal Acquired by IFC
IFC Nabs Russian Sci-Fi Thriller SPUTNIK
Trailer Premiere for Survivor-Thriller RADIOFLASH
HATCHING Births One Wicked Monster–JTIFF
SEE FOR ME–A Tense Thriller Worth A View
Demonic Poster and Trailer Revealed
IFC Midnight Lands Rights to Neill Blomkamp’s DEMONIC
Rent-A-Pal Poster and Trailer Released
Creepy Retro Rent-A-Pal Acquired by IFC
IFC Nabs Russian Sci-Fi Thriller SPUTNIK
Trailer Premiere for Survivor-Thriller RADIOFLASH