January 13, 2016
Ryan Asher
The residents in this madhouse we call, HorrorBuzz, love scares. Like, really love scares. We also have a soft spot in our black dead hearts for Social Media and its ability to bring people together. Sorry, I think I just made myself vomit into my own mouth with that last part. So let's get to [...]
January 7, 2016
Ryan Asher
In this installment of HorrorGram we look back at something all too familiar. No, I am not talking about pictures of your friends children or pets dressed up as Wayne and Garth, nor the inevitable, "look, I'm a sexy vampire/nurse/lobster" costumes. I'm talking about those horrible last minute, zero effort, all around epic costume fails. [...]
HorrorGram Spotlight: jonny_weird
HorrorGram: Do you ScareCam?
HorrorGram: 10 Epic Halloween Costume Fails