• Categories: Games, video games

      June 28, 2017

      Wes Cowan

      Death Tales is a strange little curiosity hidden away on the PlayStation Store. It's a game which clearly has a lot of style, but it is also still in open beta. For those who are not familiar, this basically means it's an early version of the game which they have opened up for public consumption. [...]

    • Categories: Games, video games

      May 16, 2017

      Wes Cowan

      This column has discussed Japanese video game developer Suda51 in the past, but let's start with a quick recap. He is known for creating incredibly strange (or “quirky” if you're feeling generous) video games that tend to be incredibly divisive. None of his games have been particularly commercially successful (in the US, at least) but [...]

    • Categories: Games, video games

      May 9, 2017

      Wes Cowan

      Amazon had been recommending “Little Nightmares” to me for months before I finally just bit the bullet and ordered it. The Amazon description told me next to nothing about the product, and I had heard absolutely zero word of mouth hype about the game. Still, I kept checking the Amazon page as it kept being [...]

    • Categories: Games, video games

      February 21, 2017

      Wes Cowan

      SUDA51 is a rather polarizing figure in the world of video games. His games are not generally commercially successful. However, they do tend to develop strong cult followings. His games are incredibly strange (surreal according to his fans, bordering on nonsensical according to his detractors). I have not played enough of his games to form [...]

    • Categories: Games, video games

      January 13, 2016

      Wes Cowan

      I've been a fan of the “Souls” series of video games since the first one, “Demon's Souls” was released. So when I first heard that they were releasing a sister project, “Bloodborne,” that was going to take the familiar gameplay and put it into a gothic horror setting I was ecstatic. I was guarded in [...]

    • Categories: Games

      September 1, 2015

      Taylor Winters

      Have you ever watched a horror movie and yelled at the woman for tripping over a tree root? Or how about the dumb jock who investigates a mysterious sound right after two of his friends have been killed? Do you wish the protagonist leave the dumb blonde behind and save herself? Well, welcome to Until Dawn, a [...]

  • Featured Events

    • Exploring The Depths of Little Nightmares’ First DLC

      September 27, 2017
    • Dissecting the Death Tales Beta

      June 28, 2017
    • Cracking The Silver Case and Finding A Killer

      May 16, 2017
    • Little Nightmares Stumbles Toward Brilliance

      May 9, 2017
    • Don’t Let Let It Die Pass You By

      February 21, 2017
    • Bloodborne Is A Bloody Good Time

      January 13, 2016
    • Until Dawn: Playing a Horror Movie

      September 1, 2015


    • Exploring The Depths of Little Nightmares’ First DLC

    • Dissecting the Death Tales Beta

    • Cracking The Silver Case and Finding A Killer

    • Little Nightmares Stumbles Toward Brilliance

    • Don’t Let Let It Die Pass You By

    • Bloodborne Is A Bloody Good Time

    • Until Dawn: Playing a Horror Movie


    • Exploring The Depths of Little Nightmares’ First DLC

    • Dissecting the Death Tales Beta

    • Cracking The Silver Case and Finding A Killer

    • Little Nightmares Stumbles Toward Brilliance

    • Don’t Let Let It Die Pass You By

    • Bloodborne Is A Bloody Good Time

    • Until Dawn: Playing a Horror Movie

  • Exploring The Depths of Little Nightmares’ First DLC

  • Dissecting the Death Tales Beta

  • Cracking The Silver Case and Finding A Killer

  • Little Nightmares Stumbles Toward Brilliance

  • Don’t Let Let It Die Pass You By

  • Bloodborne Is A Bloody Good Time

  • Until Dawn: Playing a Horror Movie