June 21, 2016
Brian Tull
From over 2100 submissions and 20 countries, ScareLA has selected the 75 best for its Scare Screenings film Program. From award-winning documentaries to shorts and cult classics, convention attendees will have plenty of options for fulfilling their cinematic cravings. A few highlights from the upcoming event include: The Blackout Experiments - An in-depth look at [...]
October 14, 2015
Mary Imagination
Tales of Halloween is an anthology film all about all hell breaking loose in a small town on Halloween. With 11 directors contributing to it, we get 10 different perspectives and stories that take place on that night. This is a great new addition to the Horror genre for "Halloween" movies (and I mean films that [...]
August 23, 2015
Mary Imagination
If you are on this website and you are reading this article... I am going to make a wild guess that you may love Halloween. And maybe Horror movies about the most spooky holiday of the year. I have great news for YOU! There is a NEW Horror movie on the way about all the [...]
August 7, 2015
Mary Imagination
October is that special month where us horror fans go CRAZY! It's the season where pumpkin everything returns, pumpkin patches pop up here and there, haunted attractions are in full swing every weekend, there are Halloween decorations everywhere, and above all... Horror Movies haunt our local theaters! Horror movies that we have been waiting in [...]
July 16, 2015
Jeff Heimbuch
I love me a good horror anthology film. They have been scarce lately, with Trick R Treat amazing us a few years ago, and the V/H/S series showing us it's still a viable type of film. But this Halloween, things will change a little bit. This year, Tales of Halloween is looking to bring the [...]
Tales of Halloween Coming to Blu-Ray September 13th
ScareLA Announces a Killer Lineup of Films
Tales of Halloween Premieres at Screamfest
Tales of Halloween Panel at Scare LA!
Horror Movies Premiering This October!
Tales Of Halloween Brings Anthologies Back