Magnet Releasing has shared the trailer and poster for What You Wish For, a gripping thriller that explores the dark side of ambition and identity. The film, which premieres in theaters and on VOD on May 31, 2024, is directed and written by Nicholas Tomnay and stars Nick Stahl, Tamsin Topolski, Randy Vasquez, Penelope Mitchell, Juan Carlos Messier, and Brian Groh.
The story follows Ryan, a talented chef played by Nick Stahl, who grapples with significant gambling debts and a crumbling career. Seeking a fresh start, Ryan escapes to an unnamed Latin American country to join his old friend and fellow chef, Jack (Brian Groh), who seems to be living a life of luxury and success. However, Ryan soon learns that everything is not as perfect as it seems. A shocking turn of events allows Ryan to assume Jack’s identity, only to find himself entangled in a dangerous web of secrets that reveal the perilous means by which Jack has maintained his lavish lifestyle.