This film opens with eccentric, evil businessman Sydney Swallows (I’m sure he does) telling you that you’re a loser that will never experience the finest things life has to offer. As he is about to promote his supposedly life-changing Chicken Milk Beer, he is hit in the face with a boom microphone, which is promptly shoved through the boom operator’s head. We are less than two minutes into Another WolfCop and we already know exactly what we’re in for. 

Another WolfCop is not meant to be screened at a festival, or any setting where critics will be present. It’s something you would watch in high school in order to one-up your buddies when you all would try find the edgiest, craziest films possible once The Human Centipede lost its shock factor. It’s meant to be viewed on a cold night at midnight in an art theater through a haze of marijuana smoke, with a bunch of your other cult-film-loving friends that you know will “get it.”

And it knows exactly what it is, which is what makes it successful despite the constant gore-for-gags gimmicks and childish humor. Candian filmmaker Lowell Dean has succeeded in creating a ballsy, anarchistic, over-the-top horror comedy that’s an equal opportunity offender in nearly every way, and, uh, I kind of loved it. 

Another WolfCop is the sequel to its predecessor (WolfCop, 2014) follows the story of alcoholic werewolf cop Lou Garou (Leo Fafard), who springs into action when Sydney Swallows (Yannick Bisson) seduces the residents of their town of Woodhaven with a new brewery and hockey team. What follows is absolute mayhem, and Lou’s fellow police force helps him solve the mystery of Swallow’s evil plan and why a strange, mustached alien fetus pops out of his friend Willie’s (Jonathan Cherry) abdomen, a la Ridley Scott’s Alien. I never thought I would watch a movie and say “hey, this storyline kind of reminds me of Halloween III: Season of the Witch,” but here we are. 

The humor is dark but juvenile, almost in the same vein as early Trey Parker and Matt Stone movies (blame Canada–again), and definitely would have made my middle school self laugh till my sides hurt. However, absolutely no middle schooler should ever watch this film, mostly because they’d probably never shut up about the sex scene between human Lou and his fully transformed were-cat lover that goes on for waaaay too long.




I’ll spare you the visuals for now, since my corneas will never recover from that. 

It’s basically illegal for me to recommend Another WolfCop to anyone as a “good film,” but at the same time, I want the whole world to see this film just for the sake of upsetting the normies. It’s one of those movies that can’t actually be reviewed as either a good or bad film, it just needs to be viewed as is, which is campy, bloody, and–dare I say it–punk rock fun. Besides, what better way to ring in holiday cheer than watch thieves in half-assed Santa costumes and a van reading “Santa’s Helpers” get torn to shreds by a werewolf cop?

Another Wolfcop Movie
Runtime: 1hr. 22Mins.
Directed By:
Written By:  Lowell Dean

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