The thriller film Braek directed by John Fallon and written by Fallon and actor Kevin Interdonato has recently released its sales trailer. This film promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its heart-pounding plot and all-star cast.
Braek stars Nick Baillie (known for his role in “Taken”), Melissa Anschutz (from “Best Years Gone”), and Alix Lane (of “Black Pumpkin”). The cast is rounded out by Danilo Rocha (from “Sick Minded”) and John Fallon himself, who has previously worked on “SAW II.” The film follows the McCabe family as they go on a weekend getaway, only for things to take a turn for the worse when a stranger, played by Kevin Interdonato, arrives on their doorstep.
The film’s talented crew includes Samuel Pinault as the Director of Photography, Rurik Sallé as the composer, and Michael Nouryeh as the editor. Braek is Executive Produced by Igor Princ.
Braek will have its first screening at the 2023 European Film Market/EFM in Berlin on Feb 17th, 2023 at 4:15pm at the Parliament Studio Cinema. For those who are unable to attend the screening in person, a virtual screening is scheduled for Feb 19th, 2023 at 5:00pm at the Virtual Cinema 13.
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