We just got the trailer to a fascinating new movie called Burning Men. IT looks like a road trip mixed with visions of hell and a precious vinyl record. Check out the poster, stills, and trailer below.

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Synopsis: When young musicians Ray (Ed Hayter) and Don (Aki Omoshaybi) are evicted from their South London squat, they decide to sell their precious vinyl collection and fly to Memphis in search of their destiny. Frustrated by the shortfall in funds, they steal an ‘uber-rare’ Black Metal record at a Camden record fair and head out of town to sell it. As they drive north in their beaten-up Volvo Amazon, picking up hitchhiker Susie (Elinor Crawley) en route, they find themselves stalked by dark forces apparently unleashed by the ‘devil disc’ they have stolen.

From the 1st March, a British rock-and-roll road-movie with an unearthly twist will be arriving in select cinemas.

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