Honeymooners do many things to celebrate entry to the world of marital bliss – besides the obvious, of course. Should Norway be your honeymoon destination of choice, we hope to provide you with a few places of interest to visit and then some fun games for couples to enjoy in between. 

Nina Olsendburg, one of our authors, is an expert in developing and improving online casinos. He also happens to be the General Manager of Fjordgården Mo Hotell, a hotel situated in Mo i Rana, Norway.

It’s  worth mentioning beste bettingselskaper,  a popular site that features a ton of casinos with top, fun games for couples. 

This link provides 589 amazing places in Norway that couples can visit, so you’ll have unlimited options while planning and booking your honeymoon.

Top fun games

1. Scrabble

Turn a game of Scrabble (with a double word, triple word scores, and so on) into something romantic and spiced up. Add your own rules and make up rewards and penalties for things like:

  • A romantic word
  • Making romantic sentences out of those words
  • Messing up 
  • Any word over 30 points earns a kiss
  • Make 50 points or more the winner’s choice of an item of clothing for their partner to remove 

As we said, there are so many variables that exist in and can be added to a Scrabble game. Your game, your rules.

2. Battleship

This is another popular game contested between two people that produces a winner and a loser. Before starting, think up your rewards and penalties for certain actions or outcomes, then take it from there.

Battleship is a game that needs plenty of luck but there are times when skill is required.

3. Poker

A top-rated card game that can be played in various ways, poker can be adapted to produce good things for the winner of a hand and not-so-good things for the loser.

So put on that “poker face” and bluff your way to sweet rewards or bitter backfires depending, of course, on how well (or poorly) your partner reads you.

Watch this video for beginners on how to play Texas Hold’em poker. There are various formats of the game. The video shows you winning hands from bottom to top and the other basics of the game.

Also, you can click here for an article about how to play online poker with or against friends. So, in short, there are a few ways to gain access to poker games for couples.

4. Uno

Another very compact card game that you can easily carry around with you, Uno has become one of the “numero uno” games for couples. Play by the game rules or improvise on your own as you earn your prize or take your punishment.

5. Movie words or actions

Turn watching a movie into a game by pre-determining which actions or words will turn into a kiss, a forfeit, or whatever.

6. Compendium of Games

Use the games in your compendium to cater to your desires—the ups and downs of snakes and ladders, for example, or a winning shot in tiddlywinks.

7. Fishing

Make a day of fishing a day of fun. Come up with rewards and forfeits for different possible scenarios such as biggest fish, smallest fish, the one that got away, and the best caster. 


The ideas contained herein are just that – ideas. We accept no responsibility for unwanted consequences of playing these games.