Writer-director Andy Edwards (Punch, Graphic Desires) is set to unveil his latest fantasy horror, Rumpelstiltskin, after a premiere at FrightFest Glasgow. Featuring bold visuals, dark humor, and creatively twisted effects, Edwards delivers a fresh interpretation of a story long associated with fairy-tale lore.

Starring Mark Cook as the scheming miller and Hannah Baxter-Eve as Evaline, the film takes a sharp turn when the King (Colin Malone) demands gold spun from straw. Desperate to escape punishment, Evaline strikes a deal with a masked fiend (Joss Carter), but the price quickly spirals out of control. With its gritty design and lively characters, Rumpelstiltskin provides a new look at a familiar legend—complete with devilish twists lurking just beneath the surface.


Rumpelstiltskin (2025) | Official Trailer

On digital 7 April 2025 from Miracle Media

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