Shudder, the leading streaming service for horror and thriller content, has announced the premiere of Grafted, a psychological horror film directed by Sasha Rainbow. The movie is set to debut on Friday, January 24th, featuring a cast led by Joyena Sun, Jess Hong, Eden Hart, Jared Turner, Sepi To’a, and Xiao Hu.
Plot Overview
Grafted follows the story of Wei, a Chinese scholarship student who travels to New Zealand to study medical research at a prestigious university. Wei, shy and introverted, struggles with social rejection due to a genetic facial birthmark. Her cousin Angela and Angela’s group of glamorous friends exacerbate her isolation.
In her determination to overcome societal judgment, Wei delves into her late father’s groundbreaking research on skin grafting. As she pushes the boundaries of medical science, her experiments spiral out of control. The film explores the consequences of Wei’s growing obsession and the dangerous measures she takes to protect her secret, blending themes of identity, ambition, and morality.
The Team Behind the Film
Director Sasha Rainbow brings a unique vision to the project, crafting a narrative that merges psychological tension with body horror. The cast delivers performances that promise to explore the depths of Wei’s unraveling psyche and the effects on those around her.
Grafted will be available exclusively on Shudder starting January 24th. Horror enthusiasts can stream the film directly through the platform, which offers a rich selection of content for fans of the genre.