June 18, 2019
Scott Macias
As you awake upon a ship, you soon discover that you are playing as an actor within a five-act play through various sets and scenes. From mind-boggling hallucinations, frustratingly challenging chase sequences, and lots of scattered trinkets uncover the hidden secrets that compose this beautifully crafted split narrative. Follow in the steps of two siblings [...]
June 11, 2019
Scott Macias
In the closing years of the nineteenth century, you assume the role of Rose - an explorative, female journalist in search of her sister, Ada. Setting forth and embarking upon this journey, Rose climbs aboard Nikola Tesla's Helios - a lavish boat (constructed with art nouveau and steampunk architecture) designed to provide a collective and [...]
CONTROL: Mind-Bending and Surreal [PS4 Review]
Layers Of Fear 2 a Terrifying Brain Rattler of a Game
CLOSE TO THE SUN an Absolutely Beautiful Game