March 13, 2019
Scott Macias
The highly anticipated sci-fi horror comedy Alien Party Crashers (fka ‘Canaries') is available on VOD and DVD this March from High Octane Pictures. The film stars Robert Pugh (''Game Of Thrones'', ''Doctor Who'', Master & Commander) and Hannah Daniel (Netflix's ''Hinterland''). Synopsis: From Welsh writer/director Peter Stray comes the frighteningly fun story of a group [...]
October 5, 2018
Norman Gidney
Three years ago, the Warner Bros. Studio Tour dipped its toe into the Halloween market with an intimate screening of The Conjuring and an event called Horror Made Here. Few saw it, present company included, and the raves were consistent. We knew something would be coming. This past July, Warner Bros. Studio held court in [...]
September 8, 2018
Lindsey Ungerman
Creepy Kingdom has decided to torment us with a brand new teaser trailer for GEORGIE! The film GEORGIE is a reimagining of the 1990’s “It” Mini-series starring Tony Dakota and Ben Heller. Tony Dakota is the actor who portrayed young Georgie Denbrough in the 1990 made-for-TV adaptation of Stephen King’s IT. Tony takes on his [...]
August 24, 2017
Norman Gidney
Hey Art/Horror lovers, we have some news for you! Gallery1988 in Los Angeles California will be hosting an all new art show based on the upcoming release of IT from Warner Bros. Pictures! That's right, but we have something even cooler to share. An exclusive look at one of the pieces that will be shown during the [...]
August 14, 2017
Jeff Heimbuch
Last night, HorrorBuzz was invited to a special preview of The IT Experience, based on the upcoming film. Located in the heart of Hollywood, The IT Experience takes guests deep into the Neibolt House in Derry, Maine, to see where IT lives. During this 15 minute or so experience, you are lead by Georgie into [...]
July 20, 2017
Erin Jefferson
There is a special feeling one gets as you catch your first glimpse of the San Diego skyline during the best week in July. Your heart starts to race, giddiness sets in and then panic sets in. As you exit the freeway it suddenly becomes a mad rush to check into the hotel and then [...]
March 29, 2017
Jeff Heimbuch
I don't need to say anything but this: It was the cause of many of my nightmares as a kid, both the novel (which I read at way too young of an age) and the TV mini-series (which I was never able to look at Tim Curry the same way again). Our first real look [...]
Natural History of Horror was Naturally Unforgettable
ALIEN PARTY CRASHERS Gets North American Release via High Octane Pictures
Horror Made Here at the Warner Bros Studio Tour is Where IT’s At
GEORGIE Teaser Trailer Released!
EXCLUSIVE: New IT art to be Shown at Gallery1988
The IT Experience Wants You To Float Too
You’ll Float, Too in the First Trailer for IT
Natural History of Horror was Naturally Unforgettable
ALIEN PARTY CRASHERS Gets North American Release via High Octane Pictures
Horror Made Here at the Warner Bros Studio Tour is Where IT’s At
GEORGIE Teaser Trailer Released!
EXCLUSIVE: New IT art to be Shown at Gallery1988
The IT Experience Wants You To Float Too
You’ll Float, Too in the First Trailer for IT
Natural History of Horror was Naturally Unforgettable
ALIEN PARTY CRASHERS Gets North American Release via High Octane Pictures
Horror Made Here at the Warner Bros Studio Tour is Where IT’s At
GEORGIE Teaser Trailer Released!
EXCLUSIVE: New IT art to be Shown at Gallery1988
The IT Experience Wants You To Float Too
You’ll Float, Too in the First Trailer for IT