June 5, 2020
Norman Gidney
At the beginning of the new action thriller BECKY, we meet two very strong, opposing characters. Becky (Lulu Wilson), a plucky teenager mourning the loss of her mother, and Dominick (Kevin James) a brutish neo-nazi in prison. The two will not only cross paths unavoidably, that much is fully apparent. Boy, do they. In what [...]
May 8, 2020
Norman Gidney
Freaks and ghouls, you have a new podcast to subscribe to. The Boulet Brothers' Creatures of the Night! Yes the definitive horror drag duo has paired with iconic Fangoria Magazine for a brand-new, original podcast. The Boulets, who individually go by Dracmorda and Swanthula, host an hour-ish long podcast covering what is going on in [...]
May 5, 2020
Norman Gidney
At this time of the year, haunt fans are usually hearing the first announcements from the major Halloween attractions coming later in the year. However, with the recent Covid-19 pandemic and numerous public events canceling left and right, it leaves us wondering, "What's gonna happen for Halloween 2020?" It's a great question and one that [...]
April 24, 2020
Norman Gidney
Online dating is a mixed bag at best. In the new, ingeniously-produced short film Unusual Attachment, writer-director Michael Varrati gives us a biting, at times hilarious, and ultimately creepy look online romance. The short opens with Hunter (Ben Baur), a forlorn romantic, passing up plans to go hang with his friend (Francisco Chacin), to hopefully [...]
February 24, 2020
Norman Gidney
Leigh Whannell's new take on The Invisible Man is good. Forget what you know about the proposed Dark Universe series that was planned. Forget Tom Cruise's Mummy. Whannell knows that in order for horror to work, it needs to be, well, scary. With that intent, this new version of The Invisible Man is told from [...]
February 21, 2020
Norman Gidney
The Invisible Man is nothing new. A quick search on IMDB yields 200 different title variations in film and television alone. In fact, when Universal Pictures adapted H.G. Wells novel to film in 1933, the idea of an invisible villain had already graced the screen over two decades before. Still, the Universal Monster became an [...]
February 1, 2020
Norman Gidney
I was not fully prepared for the level of artistic talent that first-time feature writer-director Remi Weekes displayed in his new film His House. The story of a Sudanese couple that seeks asylum in England only to have matters get far worse, the film is shot beautifully and exhibits Weekes' command of cinematic craft to [...]
FAVORITE FILMS OF 2020–Who Loves What & Why?
BECKY a Savage, Smart Action Thriller That Delivers
The Boulet Brothers CREATURES OF THE NIGHT Debuts on Fangoria
FEAR FACTORY in Salt Lake City to Open for Halfway to Halloween Event
Horror Short Unusual Attachment is Clever and Inventive
The Invisible Man Delivers Clever Horror With a Sci-Fi Kick
Leigh Whannell Hints at More with The Invisible Man
His House Blends Magical and Real-Life Horrors SUNDANCE 2020
FAVORITE FILMS OF 2020–Who Loves What & Why?
BECKY a Savage, Smart Action Thriller That Delivers
The Boulet Brothers CREATURES OF THE NIGHT Debuts on Fangoria
FEAR FACTORY in Salt Lake City to Open for Halfway to Halloween Event
Horror Short Unusual Attachment is Clever and Inventive
The Invisible Man Delivers Clever Horror With a Sci-Fi Kick
Leigh Whannell Hints at More with The Invisible Man
His House Blends Magical and Real-Life Horrors SUNDANCE 2020
FAVORITE FILMS OF 2020–Who Loves What & Why?
BECKY a Savage, Smart Action Thriller That Delivers
The Boulet Brothers CREATURES OF THE NIGHT Debuts on Fangoria
FEAR FACTORY in Salt Lake City to Open for Halfway to Halloween Event
Horror Short Unusual Attachment is Clever and Inventive
The Invisible Man Delivers Clever Horror With a Sci-Fi Kick
Leigh Whannell Hints at More with The Invisible Man
His House Blends Magical and Real-Life Horrors SUNDANCE 2020