January 22, 2019
Eric Ryan
On January 25, 1999, The Blair Witch Project premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. The reaction was so strong, the screening was immediately followed by an all-night bidding war for the distribution. Artisan Entertainment was the big winner and what came next, leading up to its July release, was a marketing campaign unlike any other [...]
March 21, 2018
Jeff Heimbuch
The Blair Witch Project changed the landscape of the horror genre; of that, there is no denial. While it may seem silly to people today, it was truly a product of its time. The internet was still young, things like Slenderman were not scaring everyone, and information on the film was being doled out slowly [...]
New Horror / Comedy From Ben Rock – ‘THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT’
Year 2 of Horror Movie Nights Presented by HorrorBuzz Kicks Off This Friday
BOOK REVIEW: The Blair Witch Project by Russ Gomm