The upcoming action-thriller We Kill Them All will be available for digital streaming starting January 17, 2025. Directed by Jeremy Drummond and written by Nikki Field, the film promises a high-stakes story of survival and family conflict.

The plot centers on a young woman who travels to a secluded resort at the invitation of her estranged and criminal father, seeking to repair their fractured relationship. Accompanied by her girlfriend, the visit takes a dangerous turn when they encounter men from her father’s troubled past. As the threats escalate, the two women must fight to escape the deadly situation.

The cast includes Chloe McClay, Emma Newton, Leo Fafard, Thomas Perras, Kent Allen, and Daniel Ford Beavis. Produced by Shayne Putzlocher, Jessica Watch, and Jeremy Drummond, the film features Daniel Ford Beavis and Clare Middleton as executive producers.

We Kill Them All | Official Trailer

We Kill Them All blends tension and action, offering viewers a gritty exploration of loyalty, resilience, and survival. Catch it on digital platforms starting January 17.


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