January 4, 2021
Max Matta
There's something inherently terrifying about losing control of yourself, which has been used to great effect in films involving possession. The concept of demons wrestling for control of the soul of humans hit its crescendo with The Exorcist which terrified the nation. Where the fun begins with subgenres that have such an effect on audiences [...]
December 14, 2020
Max Matta
In a year that just seems to take more and more from everyone, whether it be financial stability or a loved one, its hunger seems endless. While it is obvious why children shouldn't be accepting candy from strangers during a global pandemic, there is a sad loss of wonder for children and adults alike to [...]
December 6, 2020
Max Matta
Creating a world in any form of fictional media today is a struggle for so many reasons, most of which are simply because everything has been done. By the time most people have hit adulthood, they have ingested so much media that anything new is bound to be compared to something that came before it. [...]
MOONLANCE–Loud noises make it scary, right?
NUMERUS DUO is High Production Low-Brow
GOODNIGHT, HALLOWEEN–The Sad Death of Iconography
THE CROSSING, The Visuals Speak Louder than the Words