July 14, 2019
Remy Cashman
The superhero horror feature BRIGHTBURN, produced by James Gunn of Guardians of the Galaxy fame, will be available on digital, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray this August, loaded with exclusive bonus content. Synopsis: A child from another world crash-lands on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proves to be something [...]
May 24, 2019
Norman Gidney
What if a child from another world crash-landed on Earth, but instead of becoming a hero to mankind, he proved to be something far more sinister? The concept is a great one. What if a Superman-like being landed on Earth but was, instead, evil? Mega-producer James Gunn, of Guardians of the Galaxy fame, lets loose [...]
REVIEW: Brightburn Shows Us The Dark (And Gory!) Side Of Super Heroes
BRIGHTBURN Arriving on Digital/DVD/Blu-Ray AUGUST 2019
BRIGHTBURN Entertains Despite A Few Dud Moments