July 12, 2016
Mike Hansen
This week, Quincannon reneges on his bet, Jesse remains stubbornly stubborn about his Genesis power, and Cassidy makes the ultimate sacrifice (or does he?). Episode 7: He Gone A church program flutters to the floor where Eugene was standing just a moment before. Jesse looks around the empty church. Uh oh. What has he done? [...]
July 12, 2016
Mike Hansen
John Franklin and Tim Sulka's new comic series Prime Cuts is an interesting modern take on the Sweeney Todd story (well, maybe "modern" isn't right--maybe "two hours into the future" is a more apt description?). Volume 1: After his release from Laddsville Cosmetology Prison for Troubled Boys, Todd Sweeney makes his way back to his hometown [...]
June 28, 2016
Mike Hansen
Officer Downe, directed by Shawn Crahan (Clown AKA 6 from the band Slipknot) and based on the comic by Joe Casey & Chris Burnham, is a crazy, bloody, weird oddball of a movie, and I loved every low budget minute of it. It has an in-your-face sensibility, with a goofy sense of humor and damn [...]
May 26, 2016
Mike Hansen
AMC's new show, Preacher, based on the long-running comic series written by Garth Ennis and illustrated by Steve Dillon, has arrived in town and made quite an impression on me. I'm a huge fan of the graphic novels, and if this series can sustain the level of quality (or, hell, even half the quality) of [...]
GIRL WITH NO NAME Pre-Sales Are Now Available!
Preacher Has Gone Round the Bend
Prime Cuts Starts Flat, But Gets Sharper
Officer Downe Is Bloody Hilarious Cuz It’s The LAW
Preacher Makes A Grand Entrance