May 4, 2016
Ryan Asher
Hello, fellow horror fiends! This week on HorrorGram, we take a look at something we should all be too familiar with on this wonderful, wacky, ride we call the interwebz. I won't bore you with making attempts to guess, I'll just come out and say it. Cosplay. And not just any cosplay, my friends, but [...]
January 28, 2016
Ryan Asher
Happy, "HorrorGram Thursday", all you fiend's! This week, we start something really cool. Throughout the year, you will start to see various HorrorGram posts highlighting a specific artist. This week, the artist we focus on specializes in making you bleed! Sounds horrifying doesn't it?! The best part about voluntarily torturing yourself for hours on end, [...]
BLU-RAY REVIEW: Hellraiser – Judgment
HorrorGram: Horror Cosplay
HorrorGram: Horror Ink artist – Joe K. Worrall