April 2, 2023
Brian Fanelli
Make Believe 2023 Film Festival - Satires and spoofs of the slasher genre aren't exactly new. Scary Movie, Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon, and You Might Be the Killer are just a few that come to mind. Writer director Jay Burleson's The Third Saturday in October and The Third Saturday in October [...]
April 1, 2023
Brian Fanelli
Make Believe 2023 Film Festival - In Poundcake, writer/director Onur Tukel isn't exactly subtle in his satire. His latest feature is an over-the-top slasher about a man in a gimp mask who only kills straight white men. Along the way, there are heavy conversations about censorship, freedom of expression, the Black community, women's rights, LGBTQ [...]
‘THE THIRD SATURDAY IN OCTOBER PART V’ An Offbeat and Referential Slasher
‘THE THIRD SATURDAY IN OCTOBER’ A Fine Tribute to 70s Slashers
‘POUNDCAKE’ A Not-So-Subtle Satirical Slasher