May 24, 2021
Max Matta
In just the last year I have been introduced to well-crafted murder mysteries, with classics like Murder on the Orient Express and Then There Were None, and taken to them like a fish to water. These films combined with my constant searches for good murder documentaries have had the idea of mysteries as well as murder at [...]
September 3, 2020
Max Matta
There can be movies that set out with an idea in mind that get muddle along the way or just don't know how to see their concept through. Nowadays there is a surplus of movies to feel like there are movies for every type of person, but with so many voices in the world, there [...]
August 17, 2020
Max Matta
There is a classic debate that has raged about media for as long as less than savory content has been around, do violent pieces of media cause violence? Discussed to death, fearful parents and concerned bystanders have always been fearful that seeing violence inspires violence in the youth. From videogames to films there are media [...]
June 17, 2020
Max Matta
If you have ever tried playing a game where the rules were missing from the box, things can become confusing and frustrating quite quick. Same with a board game, there needs to be a certain set of rules in a horror movie to make the danger the characters experience feel threatening, yet overcomeable. In Nightmare [...]
March 13, 2020
Max Matta
It is always strange to experience a movie that goes nowhere. Now I'm not talking about movies that take place in one location, I'm talking about movies that feel like they go nowhere. Where the character development isn't enough to make any impact, the locations all feel interchangeable or soulless, and the story feels shallow. [...]
March 7, 2020
Max Matta
Anyone who has ever worked Lyft, Uber, or a taxi can tell you that they've had some strange customers. Some people are just odd or eccentric, but a few can seem shady, even dangerous at times. There is something terrifying about picking up strangers and being in a position where if something does go wrong, [...]
January 23, 2020
Max Matta
The art of the minimal locations, tense, thriller is a difficult beast to tame. If you do it well you can end up with a nail-biting experience but it done wrong it becomes a tedious drag of a film. A popular example is The Texas Chain Saw Massacre where it leans harder in the horror direction and Creep [...]
HOLY SH*T! Is So Much More Than Poop Jokes
FUNHOUSE–Lost Potential Of The Almost Murder Mystery
DIERY, Good Intentions Lost in a Messy Story
RANDOM ACTS OF VIOLENCE is Deeper than it’s Title
LAKE ARTIFACT, Add Scenes to Explain the Rules of the Plot
TRANSFERENCE, With Great Power Comes… Moodiness?
FOX HUNT DRIVE, No One is as They Seem
ADONIS COMPLEX, the Terrors of Air BnB
HOLY SH*T! Is So Much More Than Poop Jokes
FUNHOUSE–Lost Potential Of The Almost Murder Mystery
DIERY, Good Intentions Lost in a Messy Story
RANDOM ACTS OF VIOLENCE is Deeper than it’s Title
LAKE ARTIFACT, Add Scenes to Explain the Rules of the Plot
TRANSFERENCE, With Great Power Comes… Moodiness?
FOX HUNT DRIVE, No One is as They Seem
ADONIS COMPLEX, the Terrors of Air BnB
HOLY SH*T! Is So Much More Than Poop Jokes
FUNHOUSE–Lost Potential Of The Almost Murder Mystery
DIERY, Good Intentions Lost in a Messy Story
RANDOM ACTS OF VIOLENCE is Deeper than it’s Title
LAKE ARTIFACT, Add Scenes to Explain the Rules of the Plot
TRANSFERENCE, With Great Power Comes… Moodiness?
FOX HUNT DRIVE, No One is as They Seem
ADONIS COMPLEX, the Terrors of Air BnB