May 29, 2019
Adam Lozano
In recent years Playstation exclusives have been reigning supreme in the gaming console war, with titles like The Last Of Us, Uncharted, Bloodbourne, and now with Days Gone. But will this title become known for its great potential as a franchise? Or will it be a glitchy and repetitive game that PlayStation owners should have [...]
December 12, 2018
Adam Lozano
Horror in video games is like peanut butter and chocolate: a mix made in Heaven...or in this case, Hell! Sadly horror in games today are dime a dozen, with some great and some we should forget about (I'm looking at you Ju-On: The Grudge)! Video game horror was fairly young in the '80s and really [...]
July 19, 2017
Wes Cowan
Alright, so two weeks ago we took a look at the all-but-forgotten horror game The Suffering. It was an ambitious and successful game which was clearly meant to be the start of a franchise. So what went wrong? Why did the franchise not take off? Well this week we’re going to be taking a look [...]
July 5, 2017
Wes Cowan
You probably don’t remember the horror game The Suffering. It came out back in 2004, on the PlayStation 2, Xbox, and PC. It was actually quite successful. There was even a sequel released a year later. So why haven’t you heard of The Suffering? Why didn’t it become the start of a franchise like it [...]
May 16, 2017
Wes Cowan
This column has discussed Japanese video game developer Suda51 in the past, but let's start with a quick recap. He is known for creating incredibly strange (or “quirky” if you're feeling generous) video games that tend to be incredibly divisive. None of his games have been particularly commercially successful (in the US, at least) but [...]
May 2, 2017
Wes Cowan
When Outlast came out a few years back, it was a breath of fresh air. At the time, horror gaming was still caught up in the action-heavy style popularized by the later “Resident Evil” games, but Outlast focused instead on stealth and survival. In fact, it went so far away from the action-oriented style that it [...]
Leatherface 2003 Skin Brings Fresh Gore to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre on January 28
Top 5 Horror Games From the ’90s
An End To The Suffering and What Went Wrong
Let The Suffering Begin
Cracking The Silver Case and Finding A Killer
Shining A Light On Outlast II