September 28, 2020
Miranda Riddle
Blind, wheelchair bound, and sick--David (Connor Linnerooth) is a young man just trying to survive the apocalypse. Thankfully, he’s been living in this safehouse for as long as he can remember, with his mother, Lisa (Anne Ramsay), who is everything you’d expect in a protective “mother bear” type. She gives everything she has to David, [...]
March 7, 2020
Scix Maddix
A virus hitchhiking on a comet infects the world, killing off female humans. A young couple hides out in the ensuing societal collapse. I'll be honest, the premise gives me hives: they fridged 51% of the population. The subtly-named "Eva" (Freida Pinto) and her boyfriend Will (Leslie Odom Jr.) hole up in their apartment, trying [...]
ZOMBIE SHRINK short film examines minds and brains.
ETHERIA S2: “Zone 2”
Only is Another Take on the “Women are All Dying” Theme