March 8, 2016
Norman Gidney
If you know anything about pop culture and urban legends you know The Slenderman. A faceless figure, dressed in a black suit who abducts people, taking them to who knows where. In some cases this malevolent, inter dimensional being provokes people to kill for him.Originating from CreepyPasta, this internet meme immediately began festering in the [...]
May 22, 2015
Jeff Heimbuch
We’ve gotten to the point where Slender Man has cemented a place in our pop culture mythos. A true “child of the internet,” Slender Man was literally created before our eyes, but has bypassed our computer screens to become a thing of real horror. A thing where little girls stab their friend in his name, [...]
Avoid The Inevitability At All Costs
Beware The Slenderman Poster Released
Slender: The Arrival – Review