January 27, 2022
Devon Tichenor
A lovecraftian horror game with the added twist of a dating simulator - intriguing right? When Sucker for Love: First Date was first introduced to me, I was skeptical on how it would work. However, while playing it, I became ridiculously addicted. PLOT The entire concept, on the surface, is to perform a series [...]
January 11, 2022
Devon Tichenor
We know you’re shivering with antici.......pation to go hands-on with DreadXP’s Lovecraftian dating sim, Sucker for Love: First Date, and while we’ve all been patient, the wait is nearly over. Sucker for Love: First Date will release on Steam and Itch.io on January 20, 2022. Inspired by classic anime and visual novel dating [...]
SUCKER FOR LOVE: FIRST DATE Awarded “Best Indie Game of 2022” By Digital Dragons
Exploring the Occult Dating World in SUCKER FOR LOVE: FIRST DATE – Review [PC]
Squid Mommy’s Almost Ready for SUCKER FOR LOVE: FIRST DATE