April 28, 2016
Ryan Asher
Do you have a background in classical art? Do you hold a bachelor's degree in Illustration from the Rhode Island School of Design? Do you create ridiculous works of art with not only a paint brush, but with a tattoo gun? If your answer to all these questions is yes, then you're the super talented [...]
February 25, 2016
Ryan Asher
Here we are again, fiends. Another Thursday, another glory-ous HorrorGram. Thats right, I went there, but that's that I do. Honestly, you really should be used to it by now. So let's sharpen our machetes, and lets cut to the chase. Shall we? The craft of tattooing will always challenge the artist to constantly reinvent [...]
January 28, 2016
Ryan Asher
Happy, "HorrorGram Thursday", all you fiend's! This week, we start something really cool. Throughout the year, you will start to see various HorrorGram posts highlighting a specific artist. This week, the artist we focus on specializes in making you bleed! Sounds horrifying doesn't it?! The best part about voluntarily torturing yourself for hours on end, [...]
HorrorGram – Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
HorrorGram: Horror Ink artist – Evan Olin
HorrorGram: Horror Ink artist – Paul Acker
HorrorGram: Horror Ink artist – Joe K. Worrall